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Accurate job descriptions your team can rely on

Break down the silos between team members to create and edit job descriptions that attract qualified candidates, hire happy employees, and enable accurate compensation decisions.

Illustration of collaboration in software
Man headshot
Woman headshot

Attract & hire qualified talent that aligns with your requirements and company culture, ensuring a mutually satisfying reality for both parties.

Attract skilled candidates who align with the required skills, embody company values, and experience fulfillment from day one, as the job matches the expectations set in the description.

Mosh JD Collaboration invite
Illustration of employee accepting a job shaking hand with hiring manger
Man headshot
Mosh JD logo

"Added the use of AI to skills requirements"

Woman Headshot
Mosh JD logo

"We have new certification requirements for this position"

Generate more interest from qualified candidates

Simplify stakeholder feedback to ensure precise job descriptions that effectively communicate role requirements

Illustration of person using Mosh JD Software
Mosh JD Screenshot of Mosh Docs Job description supporting documents
Mosh JD Collaboration email invite

Built for accurate & competitive compensation decisions

Compensation professionals rely on job description accuracy to confidently price jobs. With Mosh JD on your side comp professionals can gain peace of mind knowing JDs are always accurate and current.

Coworkers editing a job description

Getting feedback on job descriptions is easy with Mosh JD

Users icon

No user management required

Save time and avoid the headaches of managing users and resetting passwords. Mosh JD doesn't require credentials to edit or comment on job descriptions. 

Computer mouse icon

Approve or deny edits with one click

Comments and edits from collaborators come into your edit screen for approval. Simply click approve to accept changes or deny to reject. 

Easy icon

Simplified access for job editors

When you need stakeholder input the last thing you want to do is to train on how to use a new system. With Mosh JD collaborators can access the job description via simple hyperlink to make comments and edits with ease.

version history icon

Full comment and edit history

Mosh JD logs all comments, tracks accepted or rejected edits, providing a clear record of suggestions and their contributors for easy reference whenever necessary.

line design

Facilitating improved collaboration on job descriptions within your team is just the start

Unlock the comprehensive benefits that precise job descriptions can bring to your organization.

Mosh JD's My job description catalog screenshot

JD Management

Graduate from Word & Excel docs to save time, money, reduce compliance risks and hire qualified talent. 
Mosh JD job description Catalog

Workforce Optimization

Improve employee retention and career development with a foundation of exceptional job descriptions.
Compare two Job descriptions side by side

Fair & Competetive Pay

Establish a reliable foundation for salary benchmarking to gain confidence in your compensation decisions.

How to build a collaborative process for JDs without creating chaos

Number 1
One 3.png

Define the scope of the project

Including positions that require new job descriptions and who should be involved in the process

number 2
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Idenfity the key stakeholders

Identify key individuals whom need to be involved to accomplish the goal. This will likely include folks from HR, hiring managers, and more

Number 3
Three number 2.png

Establish clear communication channels

Use tools such as email, slack, project management software  or Mosh JD to facilitate communication

Number 4
Number 4 2.png

Develop a timeline

That outlines key milestones and deadlines for the project. This will keep stakeholders on track.

Employees collaborating around a laptop

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Improving candidate quality


Updating job descriptions to promote career paths


Streamlining the onboarding process with clear job descriptions


Streamlining HR with job description software

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