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Employees brainstorming

Our Mission

Duplicate titles, conflicting requirements & expectations, word docs everywhere, and staff writing their own job descriptions without front-line input or HR oversight.

The job description management process can be a mess that leaves your company at risk of non-compliance and increases frustrations with everyone involved, worst of all, with employees & candidates who misunderstood the job requirements.

But it doesn't have to be that way. That's why we are here.

Our Vision

Job descriptions are the foundation of a relationship between a company and employee. They define the expectations and form a binding agreement between parties.


However, too often trust in this relationship is destroyed because inaccurate and outdated JDs erode new hire trust, confuse tenured employees and complicate employee relations issues for HR teams.


We intend to change the culture around job descriptions and become a facilitator of trust by fixing the broken JD management process. 

Employees working together
Team Brainstorm

Our Commitment to you.

Easy to Try.  Easy to Buy.  Easy to Use. 


Tired of long and carefully scripted software demonstrations that leave you wondering how and if the software fits your needs?   


We feel HR professionals deserve a technology partner that is predictable, budget-friendly and low-risk. 

We are excited to support without frustrating sales processes and inflated cost commitments. 

Our Values

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Keep it simple

We believe in finding simple solutions to complex problems. The best tools and products make life simple. We strive to do the same.

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Customer experience first

Our customers' success is our success. It's at the heart of everything we do. We understand we are here to solve problems through the use of technology and provide an exceptional experience.

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Transparency, honesty, trust

We like to think of ourselves as "you know where you stand and what you get" kind of people. Trust in a relationship is important to us. And you can't have trust without honesty & transparency.

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Keep an open mind

Being open to new ideas helps us to always be looking to improve. An open mindset is the path to growth, learning, and delivering a better product to our customers. 

Lets change JD management

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